jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2007

Ranking The Best Trilogy


Pirates of the Caribbean

Reasons for being nominated: The story has been critized for being the most original story since Starwars and it's not based in a book. Plus it has one of the gratest cast, visual efects, and AT WORLD'S END was called the gratest Disney movie ever!

The Matrix

Reasons for being nominated: The visual effects and the amazing battles and action secuences have brought this trilogy to our list. Plus, how could we leave apart THE MATRIX?


Reasons for being Nominated: X men has been called the best comic book movie ever. Movie after movie the action secuences impress us and make us wish we had superpower too. I could just call it the best super hero movie!

The Godfather

Reasons for being nominated: Could we really call THE GODFATHER one of the gratest trilogys ever? Why not? It has a great cast, great story and it's just one of the gratest trylogys!

Jurassic Park

Reasons for being nominated: It may not be one of the newest trylogys and it may not have as good visual effects as the newest ones in this list, but who would deny jurassic park was one of Spielberg's gratest productions? As years pass by, we forget about this great trilogy but when we get to remember about it, it just makes us want to wach it again.

Harry Potter

Reasons for being nominated: What does HARRY POTTER has that makes us want more and more? Would it be the story, the visual effects, the mazing things they do with magic, Danniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson? Whatever! Other trilogys make us sick when they get to the third movie! Harry Potter has 7 books and we want an 8th one! We just don't get tired of Harry Potter!

Reasons for being nominated: Ocean's is just the 21st century movie with the gratest cast. Is one of the only movies where the thief is the good guy. Or isn't he?

Why are these ones not nominated?
Beverly Hills Cop
Scarry Movie
Final Destination
Some of the reasons of why this trilogys are not nominated is maybe because they just didn't gave us what we expected. We obviosly Expect the next movie to be better that the one before, and it isn't. Or maybe they are just not as good as the ones listed on top. Whatever!

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